Virtualization is allegedly "active." Performance is good. The resulting VM boots and shuts down cleanly.Installed 269601usa8.exe = the WDM audio update from kb242937.Universal VESA/VBE Video Display Driver, restarted, and changed desktop The desktop appeared and sound was working.Then it had a random failure, trouble copying some file.On the third reboot it gave a blue screen of death, but I hit a key and.On the second reboot it locked up with a black screen.Booted the install CD, allowed setup to fdisk and format to its preference.Which tries to load many other extraneous drivers. I did not revert all the way back to the original boot image, The original 3 drivers HIMEM.SYS, OAKCDROM.SYS, and MSCDEX.EXE got rid of the Replacing XMGR.SYS, UDVD2.SYS, and SHSUCDX.COM with The customized boot image that I had been using ever since it worked on Wildcat Point led to a lockup as soon as theĬD driver was used. Changed boot order (once the HDD was bootable).(N.B., serial ports were already disabled.) Only "limited testing has been performed." I made the following changes Vbox supplies a template for Windows 98 VMs, albeit with the warning that Installed the binary package of VirtualBox 5.0.20 from Oracle's archive using Instead I spun up Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) in a spare partition and

Module, that attempting to get it working on Slackware looked hopeless. Support for W98SE virtual machines (VMs) in current hypervisors isĬomplicated and invasive dependencies, including an out-of-tree kernel

Windows 98 SE VM on x86_64 Linux host Windows 98 SE VM on x86_64 Linux host